Moscow’s Dawn
- Author(s) : Hwang Jang-Mi, Ishano
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Mar-02-2025 12:55:10 AM
- View : 5,800,000
- Genres : Drama , Fantasy , Romance
- Rating :
- mangakakalot.fan rate : 4.35 / 5 - 62 votes
Moscow’s Dawn summary:
21-year-old pianist, Lee Si-yoon chooses to die pessimistically about his life that can no longer play the piano due to an accident, but he wakes up as Tatiana, a girl from a wealthy family who speaks a foreign language that he cannot understand. Is this a God-given opportunity? Or is it a curse? What's the big deal with the gender change? As long as your hands are intact, you can play the piano again! Let's make our dream come true as 'Tatiana'! 모스크바의 여명 / The Dawn of Moscow
Chapter name
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